LFN’s Post-Secondary Sponsorship Program
(Annually, funds are limited and are subjected to change.)
- Must be a full-time student (as defined by the program/institution)
- Must be a Registered Status Member of Liard First Nation
- Must be attending an eligible accredited post-secondary institution as per the Gov of Canada (if your post-secondary institution does not appear on the list, please contact the LFN Education Department for further verification.)
Liard First Nation Post Secondary Sponsorship form – Please send completed applications to funding@liardfirstnation.ca
Full-time Post-Secondary students receive a monthly living allowance, as determined by the following table provided annually by CIRNAC.
Living allowance is determined by student status and province of residence during studies. Additionally, no matter what student status, the student may claim up to 3 dependents to claim additional monthly allowance.
Books/Supply allowance is provided as a lump sum per semester. Subject to funding availability, Travel Allowance may be available for all eligible students.
Contact: Funding@liardfirstnation.ca or 867-536-5203