What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
- fever
- cough; and /or
- difficultly breathing
If you have the above symptoms, you must do the following:
- Self-isolate immediately! Do not leave your home without speaking with a healthcare professional first!
- Do not go to the clinic or arrange transportation to the clinic before talking to them first. The Parhelion Medical Clinic number is 536-2565
- Call 811 for further information
- Follow the latest guidelines you receive from the healthcare professionals
- If you need urgent medical attention, call 911
How to protect yourself, family, and the community?
- Practice social distancing – stay home as much as possible
- Avoid unnecessary contact with others
- Limit your travel in the community, including visits to people’s homes
- Avoid crowds – keep at least 2 metres (2 arms length) away from others
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Use a hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available
- Avoid touching your face
- Disinfect frequently touched areas in your home, including your phones!
The COVID-19situation is evolving quickly! We understand that the fast-paced flow of information is confusing and at times frightening. We want our community to be well-informed and for that, it is absolutely essential to avoid the spread of false and misleading information!
Please use official sources only to keep up to date with the latest developments, guidelines, and regulations by accessing the following official websites: